HomeTrademark Application
Brilliant Business Centre (BBC)'s professional trademark registration service helps you to take the first step and become a well known brand. Getting a trademark can protect your intellectual property rights and avoid unnecessary problems in the future.
Trademark Application Service
It takes around 6 months to complete the trademark application process. And your trademark will be effective for 10 years.
Trademark Application fee
(Includes 1 Product / Service Category)
(Includes 1 Product / Service Category)
If extra Product / Service Category is needed
For each extra item
Application Form
For each extra item

Record CheckingBBC recommends doing a record checking to make sure no similar registered trademark.HKD$600
ConsultationBBC will request for preliminary comments from the Trademark Registry Office. Although they cannot ensure if the application will be successful but we can do necessary modification to make it more likely to get the trademark.HKD$600